I offer sessions individually or in packages tailored to specific outcomes.
Somatic coaching for relationships, touch and sex to create nourishing connections, influenced by the Somatica® Method.
Abdominal and pelvic support for female bodies including Holistic Pelvic Care, a hands-on modality developed by Tami Lynn Kent, and abdominal and breast massage to release trauma, tension and pain from the pelvis and body overall. Includes touch, visualization, inquiry, and energy healing.
A light-touch modality to connect to Source and access your inherent health. Unwind tension in the mind, body and energy field, and find greater coherence through your whole being.
Massage and intuitive energy healing to support deeper embodiment, clearing old patterns and releasing trauma. Recommended in combination with other modalities.
An intuitive, mystical process to see and heal ancestral trauma for the purpose of transforming something in ourselves.
Intuitive abstract watercolor painting to reflect your truth and beauty and to support you in accessing what you desire.
Intimacy Coaching
Somatic coaching for relationships, touch and sex to create nourishing connections, influenced by the Somatica® Method. ​
What your true desires are vs. what's conditioned and habitual
Healthy boundaries and communication
How to deepen in emotional and physical intimacy
How to touch with attunement and a wide array of techniques
How to receive - truly fully receive - what you desire
Empowerment after trauma - tools to self-regulate
More fully embodied
More present and alive
The lover and partner you long for
To your true, authentic power
To people who light you up and bring you joy
In nourishing, enlivening relationships
Womb Care
Abdominal and pelvic support for female bodies including Holistic Pelvic Care, a hands-on modality developed by Tami Lynn Kent, and abdominal and breast massage to release trauma, tension and pain from the pelvis and body overall. Includes touch, visualization, inquiry, and energy healing.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
A hands-on modality to connect to Source and access your inherent health. Unwind tension in the mind, body and energy field, and find greater coherence through your whole being.​ May be combined with other bodywork modalities. This can work well virtually for those who are receptive to subtle energy work.
Integrative Bodywork
Massage and intuitive energy healing to support deeper embodiment, clearing old patterns and releasing trauma. Recommended in combination with other modalities.​
Modalities which may be included:
Swedish massage
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Intuitive energy healing
Access Bars
Somatic coaching
Myofascial Release
Family Constellations
An intuitive, mystical process to see and heal ancestral trauma for the purpose of transforming something in ourselves.​
Custom Paintings
Intuitive abstract watercolor painting to reflect your truth and beauty and to support you in accessing what you desire.​ Click here to see my other website for more details.